📍Columbus, OH 

🗓 October 5, 9am-4pm

Marriott OSU

October 4, Dinner (Optional)

The "Greater Call” is a 4 year running monthly zoom call led by Coach Neal Young (Ohio Northern U.). It is comprised of mostly small college coaches who have a hunger to see Gods kingdom unleashed in their programs and homes.

Coach Young and The Circle Legacy present the 1st annual “Greater” Roundtable and Retreat. We want the group to be fed and refreshed before the upcoming season. The goal:

~Refresh, encourage, connect, and fellowship in person before the season.  Hebrews 10: 24-25

~Discuss issues/topics with other small college coaches that are like-minded.

~PRAY!  Spend time with other Godly coaches praying for the upcoming season.

The "Greater" Roundtable/Retreat
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The "Greater" Roundtable/Retreat